FlavourArt Desert Ship
Desert Ship is a smooth and flavorful Turkish blend. Use Desert Ship flavor by itself for its exotic bouquet, use it to spice up other tobaccos, or develop your own unique mix of flavors by adding some spice, herbal, or citrus flavors. Just imagine a ship in the desert, and choose some appropriate spices to accentuate this classic and popular flavor aroma.
Specific Gravity: 1.0508
Appearance: Dark brown
Water Soluble: Yes
Origin: Italy
Diacetyl: 0 PPM
Acetoin: 0 PPM
Acetyl Propionyl: 0 PPM
Suggested Starting Use: 2% - 3%
Storage: No heat or light
Ingredients: Propylene Glycol, Vanillin, Ethyl Maltol, Tetramethylpyrazine, Methylbutyric Acid 2, Ethyl Acetate, Damascenone